If you’re in need of a new furnace, or have an aging furnace that’s wearing out in the Decatur, AL area, you may be wondering how to get a new one while keeping costs as low as possible. This is reasonable as such an investment can be expensive at first, and you may have heard about second-hand, or used, furnaces.
Is buying one of these a good idea? Most likely, the answer is no, because a used furnace can cost you more money in the long run over purchasing a new one. Here’s why.
You Won’t Have a Warranty. It’s a fact of life that anything with moving parts can break, and the more moving parts there are, the more likely this is to happen. This is why many appliances come with warranties. If a component breaks, you can have repairs done free of charge, so long as you’re not at fault.
If you’re lucky, you may get a one-year limited warranty, and this can leave you paying part of the repair cost if something goes wrong.
You Likely Won’t Know How Long a Used Furnace Will Last. Used furnaces have already suffered some wear and tear, and you could deal with a breakdown or some other issue, such as a cracked heat exchanger, which can cause a carbon monoxide leak. You simply won’t know what issues a furnace will have when you purchase it. This could lead to expensive repair bills immediately after buying your used furnace, which will add to the price tag.
Another issue is that a used furnace will break down and need replacing faster than a new one, and this can also increase the price tag. There’s a good chance you’ll only have your used furnace for a few years or less.
A Used Furnace is Less Efficient. New furnaces are better designed than those in the past, and even those made only ten years ago. With energy costs rising, manufacturers are creating furnaces that make better use of energy and waste less, which can in turn lower your electric bill.
Any used furnace is likely less efficient than those on the market today, and this can lead to increased energy bills, which can also add to the price tag.
A new furnace can, in many cases, recoup its cost in just a few years, if you plan to stay in your home or business for that long.
The Installation Could Be Hazardous. Did you know that a used furnace comes with a higher risk of problems such as gas leaks and electrical issues, even if there is not much wear and tear? A used furnace has already been installed and removed from one home or business, which can damage some of the components. Gas valves and ignitions can take damage while the unit is being removed from one home and then transported, and put into another.
Also, many HVAC companies won’t install used furnaces because of the safety issues inherent in doing so. As a result, the temptation to hire unqualified help could arise, which will lead to more safety concerns.
Have Furnace Questions? If you’re wondering if a new furnace is right for you and want to see how much it will save on your energy bills, be sure to contact us at Southeastern Mechanical Services if you’re in the Decatur, AL area. We’re here to help you make the best and safest heating decisions for your home and family.