SMS is Keeping Decatur, Alabama, Cool This Summer

Residents of Decatur, Alabama, enjoy their lovely city for many reasons that include the mild winter weather. However, that same humid subtropical climate that allows the winters to remain reasonable can cause the summers to feel nearly unbearable. The humidity tends to stay high during the summer months with temperatures soaring into the high 90s. This is definitely not the time of the year that you want to find yourself with a non-working central air conditioning system, and you need to be aware of the many problems that may occur that require air conditioning repair.

Common A/C Problems and Maintenance Solutions

  • Water Leaks: This can most often be attributed to either a seriously clogged or broken drain pipe. It may be full of pet dander, dirt and debris or develop cracks due to age and rust. Our technicians will thoroughly clean out the drain pipe, seal any cracks or replace the drain pipe if necessary.
  • No Cool Air: Improper levels of refrigerant can cause nothing but warm air to come through your air vents. Any leaks will be carefully repaired before proper levels of refrigerant are restored.
  • Worn-Out Parts: If you start to hear strange noises coming from your air conditioning system, then you should immediately call for a maintenance check. This often indicates that something is about to break down, and it can be as simple as a loose belt or some broken bolts. It may also indicate more serious matters such as the motor failing.
  • Bad Air Flow: When little or no air can make its way through the vents, it may indicate that your air compressor is beginning to fail or that the ducts have become torn. Repair or replacement will have your air flowing well once again.

SMS Will Keep You Cool

Here at SMS, we are dedicated to keeping the residents of Decatur cool and comfortable during these hot summer months. We can come to your home for a maintenance checkup on your central air conditioning system before anything goes wrong, so that you can rely on having cool air all summer long. If you are already experiencing problems, then we have trained technicians ready to see to any a/c repair or a/c installation. Free estimates are available when you give us a call at 256-686-3444.

SMS Services All Types of Air Conditioning Untis:

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Neighborhoods of Decatur, AL

Decatur is divided into four different regions of town (Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, Southwest). Southeast and Northeast Decatur lie East of the CSX Railroad’s mainline. North of Lee Street the dividing line is Bank Street which runs a block east of and parallel to the RR. Northeast & Southeast and are divided by Moulton Street. Southwest consists of the area west of the CSX Railroad and south of Moulton Street. Northwest is bordered by Moulton Street, the CSX Railroad from Moulton Street to Lee Street and then by Bank Street from Lee Street to the Tennessee River. While there are few major cultural differences between the East and the West, minute differences such as street grid patterns, zoning patterns, and architectural styles are noticeable.


  • Albany (New Decatur)
  • Downtown Decatur
  • East Acres
  • Old Decatur
  • Bank Street & Second Avenue (Downtown Shopping District)
  • Harborview (Riverfront)

Limestone County

  • Whiteside
  • Irvington


  • Bayside
  • Brookmeade
  • Burleson Mountain
  • Burningtree Mountain
  • Cedar Lake
  • Fairview
  • Flint
  • Hickory Hills
  • Indian Hills
  • Point Mallard Estates


  • West Decatur (the portion north of Moulton Street)


  • Autumn Ridge
  • Austinville
  • Basham
  • Braswell
  • Cedar Ridge
  • Chapel Hill
  • Chula Vista
  • Deerfoot Estates
  • Dogwood Estates
  • Dunbarton
  • Flint
  • Graystone
  • Griffin Addition
  • Longleaf Estates
  • Moulton Heights
  • Oak Lea
  • Oakworth
  • Timberlake
  • Russell Village
  • Vestavia
  • West Decatur (the portion south of Moulton Street)
  • Westmeade
  • Woodtrail

Call US Today To Learn More – 256-686-3444