
  • HVAC Efficient

Tips for Keeping Your Heating System Efficient

No matter what type of heating system you use during the Decatur, AL winter, you’ll probably want some tips on how to keep your system as efficient as possible. Not only does this lower your energy bill, but keeping your ...

2024-07-09T11:24:34-05:00February 21st, 2024|
  • Furnace Banging Noises

Why Is My Furnace Making a Banging Noise?

No one wants to hear banging from a furnace during Decatur, AL’s cooler months. But on occasion, it can happen to any furnace—and you’ll want to find the cause quickly to settle your nerves and to get the problem fixed. ...

2024-07-09T11:21:09-05:00January 31st, 2024|
  • office heating bills

Tips for Saving Money on the Office Heating Bill

Utility bills aren’t just for homeowners, unfortunately. Almost all types of businesses use heating and cooling, and during Decatur, AL’s cooler months, this means heating expenses. And because most businesses are larger than single-family homes, this also means higher ...

2024-07-09T11:21:09-05:00December 14th, 2023|
  • Thermostat

What’s Wrong with My Thermostat? Things to Check

Of course, you’ll need to use your thermostat during the colder months in Decatur, AL. Most of the time, your heat will turn on just fine, but you’ll get an occasional scare where you don’t hear the relaxing sound ...

2023-12-08T11:42:04-05:00December 8th, 2023|
  • Home heat

Using Your Home to Maximize Your Furnace’s Efficiency

You’re likely not looking forward to your energy bills during Decatur, AL’s cooler months. Already, you may be looking for ways to increase the efficiency of your heating system during this time. The good news is that there are several ...

2023-11-27T11:49:08-05:00November 27th, 2023|
  • HVAC in Decatur, AL

Your Furnace Went Out. What To Do Next

It’s the scenario that no one wants in Decatur, AL and beyond. You wake up to a cold home, and you realize that your furnace isn’t running! This will happen to most of us during our lives, and it’s ...

2023-11-13T12:49:48-05:00November 13th, 2023|

Recent HVAC FAQs

1 : Does your HVAC system need acute or preventative care? We hear “HVAC Service” and “HVAC Maintenance” used interchangeably often, or we’re asked if there is a difference between the two. Service and maintenance are not the same ...

2023-11-03T12:02:21-05:00November 3rd, 2023|